Friday, January 22, 2010

Ahh the Market...

I can't think of a better luxury than a frickin' awesome good market; full of fresh and in-season fruits and vegetables along with artisan cheeses and local meats. Which are of course are then accompanied with aromatic herbs, locally made assortments of honey, and in-house mostarda's (mustards) and jams. Every friday I am blessed with Ferrara's small (it's bigger in the summer) local, organic produce market that makes me always leaving with WAY too much stuff, making my 15 minute walk home end up feeling like a 25 mile marathon. I just can't help myself. Everything is too good AND super cheap, especially compared to the supermarkets, plus it's all organic and local! Let's see.... today I bought, a pumpkin, 3 kilo (about 6 lbs) of amazing juicy, crispy apples, 2.5 kilos (5 lbs) of pears, celery, cauliflower, fennel, walnuts, arugula, and kiwi's all costing me about 11 euro (or about $15)!!! There is nothing more that makes me happy than a fresh market. The various aromas, conversations amongst the people and farmers sharing recipes and tips as well as keeping up with the latest gossip puts me in my happy place. Although this maybe a very normal ritual in the life of an Italian, better yet European, Middle-Eastern, African, AND South American, it's not in ever city or town in the States which puts a frown on my face. Luckily with the new food "fad" or Slow Food Movement (which I hope isn't a fad, but rather a permanent lifestyle) of eating local and organic food is spreading across the States; sprouting farmer's markets in rink-a-dink towns that were once only provided with grocery shopping at Walmart or the corner convenient store on Main Street. So now, while staring at my huge pumpkin, I'm left with some food for thought... what to make with all my goodies!?!?

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